Suzuki Piano Student Resources

This page is dedicated to my wonderful Suzuki piano students. I will be adding lots of useful resources here for you to access and download as needed.

Being a Suzuki student is a wonderful way of learning to play a musical instrument! It allows you the opportunity to develop many other areas of your life and your brain, as well as becoming a person who is a quality person with a beautiful heart.

Enjoy your musical journey!

With love, 


“Character first, ability second.”

“All children have the potential at birth to become persons of high ability.”

“Abilities are developed: they are not inborn. Let us, with perseverance, search for the best ways to develop ability.”

Dr Suzuki

Dr Shinichi Suzuki Quotes

Dr Suzuki's Sayings. Dr Suzuki wrote two sets of Aphorisms, in 1968 and in 1979, each containing 31 concise statements. They were written in calligraphy and published in Japanese as Ichi Nichi Ichi Go and translated as "A Saying a Day". A selection of these Dr Suzuki...

Dr Shinichi Suzuki – A Biography

Dr Suzuki - A Life of Music and Discovery Dr Shinichi Suzuki revolutionised the way music is taught to children around the world. Here is a brief summary of his life. Early Years Born 18 October 1898 in Nagoya into a prominent musical family. Suzuki’s...